Carbon Less Certificate for NWS Holdings

Carbon Less Certificate for NWS Holdings

(24 June 2010, Hong Kong) The Corporate Office of NWS Holdings Limited (“NWS Holdings” or the “Group”; Hong Kong stock code: 659) has been awarded the Carbon “Less” Certificate of the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (“HKAEE”) organized by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (“HKPC”), recognizing the Group’s efforts in reducing 8%, or 30 tonnes, carbon emissions during 2009

“We are honoured to receive the Certificate. The Group pledges to continue our efforts and to further reduce our carbon footprint. We will also urge our member companies to take the same action,” said William Doo, Jr., Executive Director of NWS Holdings and Chairman of the NWS Environmental Committee. To introduce the concept of carbon reduction to its member companies, the Group held an Environmental Seminar on the topic of Carbon Footprint earlier. In this June, the Group designated the monthly staff birthday party to Green Birthday Party, in which participants brought along their reusable utensils and dressed in green to enjoy the low-carbon food served. Besides, Congress Restaurant of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre introduced low-carbon menus in early June to promote green and healthy diet for customers.

NWS Holdings is always committed to providing a low-carbon environment for the public. In 2007, the Group set up the NWS Environmental Committee and launched the Green Office Campaign to set various energy saving and waste reduction targets. The measures include adopting energy-efficient light tubes, encouraging staff members to switch off lighting and air-conditioning while not in use and introducing a dress-down policy in summer to encourage staff to keep room temperature in 25.5oC. The Group also encourages staff to reduce paper and water consumption, in order to lower the carbon emissions in office operation.

Launched in 2009, the Carbon “Less” Certificate of HKAEE aims to encourage local buildings and organizations to achieve a verified reduction of carbon emissions and to take measures to reduce their carbon footprints. Participants should engage an independent qualified service provider to quantify the net carbon emissions, and submit the report to HKPC for checking and review. As at 31 December 2009, there were only four organizations or buildings awarded the Carbon “Less” Certificate.

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This press release is also available on the Group’s website (

NWS Holdings Limited

NWS Holdings Limited (“NWS Holdings”, Hong Kong stock code: 659), the infrastructure and service flagship of New World Development Company Limited (Hong Kong stock code: 17), embraces businesses in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Macau. Its Infrastructure portfolio includes Roads, Energy, Water and Ports & Logistics projects. Its Services division comprises Facilities Management (the management of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and Free Duty), Construction & Transport (Hip Hing Construction and bus and ferry services) and Strategic Investments (Newton Resources, Tricor, Haitong and securities investments).

For further information, please contact:

NWS Holdings Limited
Maria Cheung
Assistant General Manager – Corporate Communication
Tel: (852) 2131 6251
Pager: (852) 7302 3499