NWS MSCI ESG Rating Upgraded to "A"


(7 July 2022, Hong Kong) NWS Holdings Limited (“NWS” or the “Group”; Hong Kong stock code: 659) is pleased to announce that our MSCI ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) Rating has been upgraded to “A” from “BBB” in June 2022.

The upgraded “A” rating is mainly driven by our efforts in reducing risk exposure in labour management, as well as our improvement in adopting clean technologies in environmental protection.


NWS’s various business units proactively incorporate sustainability practices into ongoing operations and business development. Examples of ESG-focused initiatives include the application of Modular Integrated Construction and the wide adoption of Battery Energy Storage System under our construction business. The Zhiyi West Lake Service Area under Hangzhou Ring Road, targeted to be opened in the second half of 2022, has maximised the use of renewable energy technologies to improve energy saving performance. For our latest business development, sustainability features have also been implemented across the six premium logistics properties in Chengdu and Wuhan that the Group acquired in May.



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